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Ikram Guerd

Award-Winning International Healthcare Marketer | Medical Device | Women’s Health | Mentor | Women’s Empowerment

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United States

It’s heartening to see the progress and positive changes that have been made in women’s health in recent years with key advancements driven by global initiatives like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve gender equality and improve access to quality healthcare for young girls and women.

1. Awareness & Advocacy
The influence of social media, female-led organizations, and the growing advocacy efforts by women themselves, have indeed contributed to a greater awareness and focus on women’s health issues.

Open conversations about reproductive health, menopause, periods, and other key topics are crucial in breaking down stigma and providing essential information to women. These discussions not only empower women to take charge of their health but also contribute to normalizing these natural aspects of women’s lives.

2. Innovation
Women’s healthcare, particularly the gynecology field, was and is still underserved. Innovation has been scarce for the past century, resulting in a lack of proper treatments and several antiquated procedures.

For example, pain is so underestimated. It’s crucial that women are taking seriously in their care especially regarding pain experienced, listening to, and believed about their pain.

As women, we don’t have to suffer all the time especially when innovation exists, like Carevix™ developed by Aspivix where technology and innovation can lead to significant improvements in women’s healthcare experiences. Driven by the mission to put an end to antiquated procedures and methods – like the tenaculum invented a century ago to extract bullets on the battlefield, largely unchanged since and never created with a view to patient experience – it’s about time to make gynecology now modern with gentle in mind for female patients by reducing significantly pain during gynecological procedures (IUD placement, cervical biopsies, hysteroscopy…) and fertility treatments.

By reducing pain, it has a broader positive outcome for women worldwide to address the global public health issue of unplanned pregnancies by increasing the adoption of Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUDs), which are highly effective contraceptives (99%).

Today, women need to be able to choose the best contraceptive solution without having to compromise because of fear of pain.

It’s crucial to have solutions that prioritize patient comfort and address the unique needs of women during medical procedures. More innovation in the largest definition of women’s health with inspiring successes is needed and will continue catching the attention of key stakeholders, investors, and innovators to continuously improve women’s health.

3. Challenges but keep the momentum
There are still challenges and areas where progress is even more needed. Regression in women’s health could stem from various factors, including socio-political changes, cultural influences, and economic disparities. But the fact that women’s health is getting more attention now than ever, I’m convinced that we are finally moving in the right direction.

Continued efforts to promote gender equality, ensure access to quality healthcare, and empower women with accurate information are key to sustaining and furthering the positive changes we’ve seen. As more individuals (men and women) join these efforts and awareness continues to spread, the world can indeed become a better place for women, benefiting not just half of the global population, but society as a whole.

In the next three years, I would say:
• Regulations in place that create inequalities in access to healthcare.
• Funding and Support for women’s health initiatives and research projects
• Overcoming the historical dismissal and misdiagnosis of women’s health concerns & avoiding the gender bias that has been present for so long in terms of the validation of women’s experiences with pain.
• The voice of women being undermined, and their pain has been dismissed or misdiagnosed by doctors for so long.
• A lack of clinical data focused solely on women’s health has hindered progress in understanding and addressing specific health issues that affect women.

In summary, these challenges share a common point – the need to shift mindsets and foster a willingness to advance women’s health – is astute. This cultural shift is a fundamental component of making lasting changes in the field.

With concerted efforts from individuals, organizations, and policymakers, these challenges can indeed be overcome, leading to a brighter and healthier future for women worldwide.

For me, the catalysts for driving the strong shift in mindset needed to advance women’s health and create a more equitable and effective healthcare system should be:

1. Adequate funding for start-ups and robust research are fundamental for understanding women’s unique health needs, developing effective treatments, and ensuring that medical practices are tailored to women’s bodies and experiences.

2. Encouraging innovation in women’s health field can lead to the development of new technologies, treatments, and procedures that improve women’s health outcomes and experiences.

3. Garnering attention and support from high institutions, key stakeholders, and influential figures can lead to policy changes, resource allocation, and a broader awareness of women’s health issues.

4. Raising awareness about historical disparities in research and medical practices and educating the public about the importance of women’s health can help create a more informed and supportive society.

5. Empowering women in all aspects of their lives by inviting more women to the discussion and empowering them to take an active role in shaping healthcare policies and decisions is crucial. Closing the gender gap in various fields ensures that women’s voices and perspectives are equally represented, but also including men in these conversations is equally important, as gender equality is a collective effort.

With a collaborative effort from individuals, organizations, healthcare providers, researchers, policymakers, innovators, companies, and influencers, significant progress can be achieved in advancing women’s health. The momentum already generated by increased attention and advocacy provides a strong foundation to build upon.

By continuing to address these catalysts and work collectively, we can pave the way for a more equitable and healthier world for all. So, let’s keep the momentum going all together and I’m really looking forward to a bright future for women’s health!

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