Deb Millard
Brand President at Stripes and Amyris. Real Talk Founder Naomi Watts, in partnership with Amyris, created Stripes: to make change, inspire individual confidence, and help generations prepare for and navigate menopause.
Amyris (Nasdaq: AMRS) is a science and technology leader in the research, development and production of sustainable ingredients for the Clean Health & Beauty and Flavors & Fragrances markets.
United States
We are finally talking more openly about how women have been left behind when it comes to healthcare. Women are seeking education to take charge of their health and aging experience. As it pertains to Menopause the 2002 study conducted on HRT created unnecessary panic and left women untreated for the severe symptoms that can occur with perimenopause/menopause.
It took 20 years to undo that wrong and we continue to battle against that occurrence of misinformation. It took until 1993 to allow women into clinical studies and we have a long way to go, but together with all our voices we can start to right the tide and make sure that women’s healthcare needs who are ~50% of the population are heard.
1) Based on recent rulings we have a major crisis with reproductive rights for women,
2) under representation whether it be in the workplace or politics, healthcare (i.e. more women die 26% of heart attacks compared to men 19% per an American Heart Association statement) and,
3) continued violence against women at home, through assault or human trafficking.
We need to continue with education and awareness through awareness campaigns, ensuring inclusive curriculum at schools and at home, and in working with communities and ensuring women have and use their voice. We need to ensure that women are treated as equals in the workplace to economically empower them to overcome barriers.
We need to continue to educate boys/men to promote gender equality, challenge stereotypes and teach how to foster respectful and supportive relationships at home, in the workplace and in communities.