Jorien Wallast
Author & The Communication Composer: Turning Stories into Powerful Messages
The Netherlands
To me, recent developments just confirm that we can never consider the fight for women’s rights a battle won; the needle gets moved back and forth all the time. Women all over the world are losing rights the generations before them fought so hard to attain. To be able to move forward, men need to get involved. Because women’s rights are not an issue exclusive to women, just as childrens’ rights are not something only children should advocate for. Men will not be worse off if the lives of women improve, quite the opposite.
We need to get the history of women, or as they like to call it: herstory, in the centre of attention. Because the erasure of women from public life always begins by downplaying their contribution to society, followed by leaving their accomplishments out or attributing them to men instead. Giving women their rightful place in history is an important step towards recognizing women’s rightful place in society now.