Sarah Foo
Wellness & Beauty enthusiast, Your Anti-aging Coach, Live Young & Slim Coach, Success & Business Coach, Love to help women at perimenopause & menopause age Mother of Twins
1.1.Post pandemic – many women put on excessive weight in this 2 years
1.2 The work from home model that practised & still practising by many organisations- added more stress to many women who play role of employee, mum, wife, daughter.
Hence women are more stressful than we think.
2.1 Increased in NCD
2.2 Issues related to metabolic health & endocrine due to excessive stress.
Potential health challenge could be difficult to get pregnant, pcos, early menopause, depression.
I am a person who support self awareness from knowing from unknown to willing to make a change.
1. Education
2. Propose natural way to help to reduce the potential harm from the change like diet, lifestyle plus the “right” supplements that can target to the source of the problem.