Simone in ‘t Veld
Human Identity & Creativity motivator | Personal leadership | A new perspective | Everything = Energy
The Netherlands
I have been working in advertising business for 28 years of witch 20 years as an independent communication professional. I took some rest to develop myself. A rest of a few months turned out to be a full transformation with reflection and inner understanding of being a human being. A growth in consciousness or call it self-awareness/spiritual awakening. I reconnected with my inner world/child and found my purpose in life. An amazing journey of communication inside. Above all I noticed I was receiving information like an antenna.
From my new perspective everything is energy and we are a battery. We need to take care of our energy system on 5 levels: body, mind, emotion, energetic and spiritual. We are not only living in nature but we are nature and light ourselves. I always felt connected with nature. My strong intuïtion is my compass and now I am able to trust and live life to my full authentic potential.
As a woman I feel a difference in energy. Today I feel supported by the feminine divine energy as before I was driven by more masculine energy. The competitive environment made place for a connected one with like-minded women. I also notice more love and compassion without judging others.
Over the months I feel the need for conscious, creative people to guide us to a better world. Our consciousness is raising and people have questions about life and themselves. Our view of the world can change. Next to this, everyone has their own truth and that’s ok.
I am gifted to shine my inner female light and be an inspiration to others to shine their inner light as well. My expertise is ‘Human Identity and Creativity’. Every human is unique and a creator.
We are living in an exceptional time. The change and solutions for a better sustainable world will come ‘through’ people. Based on my experience, I feel the need for older people to make a leap in self-awareness. People will feel better if they can sustain their own energy and know their purpose (small or big) and know how they are connected to nature. Knowledge and education about this is crucial.
From my point of view I see a special role for people/kids with high intelligence talents like “gifted, adhd, autism”. I worry about this group of children that they are being mislabeled and misunderstood. We need to protect them and transform the world around them. Let them be who they are and let them do their job. This is part of the system change.
More and more children who are on this planet (or will be born) facing problems with the current systems. A lot of children have a bigger consciousness and outstanding knowledge. They know what their talents are and what they need do to contribute to a sustainable society.
I only found out last year (in my fifties) that I have characteristics of giftedness (high sensitive and inner knowing). As an adult I can make the difference now to raise awareness and being me with all my interests. I also belief people of all ages should work together and have fun!
The most important transformation the world needs is to become human again. If we allow this we are able to help nature around us as well. Especially women can drive the change with their love, sensitive and connecting skills. Meanwhile it’s important to support the authentic, creative, talented people and listen to their voice to inspire others. Even if it is a different story than generally seen as normal. It might be the new normal.