Vikram Sinai Talaulikar
Menopause specialist Specialist in Reproductive Medicine at UCL (University College London) and Hon. Associate Professor in Women’s Health at UCL
The Menopause Clinic, London is dedicated to the provision of a world class service to women during the menopausal transition, as well as women who have developed premature ovarian failure (premature menopause).
United Kingdom
There is increased awareness about various conditions related to women’s health. There are ongoing efforts for breaking taboos and busting myths related to issues about menstruation and menopause. Education (evidence based) for individuals and health professionals is key.
Obtaining funding for research in women’s health, pushing governments on policies to improve women’s health services and battling the epidemic of non-evidence based information on internet
A collective efforts from us who campaign and fight for women’s health issues – increasing awareness for undid usuals and also health professionals